First biodynamic experiences
With the switch to a biological way of working, interest arose in dealing with biodynamics. We were able to gain our first experiences, among other things, by darning cow horns together with colleagues or by spreading compost tea in our vineyards.
We are always motivated by the "everything can - nothing has to" motivation, because after all we want to remain true to our philosophy and implement it with the resources available to us.
Our picture shows the mixing of horn manure preparation (P500) and our preparation syringe that Michael built for us.
The picture below shows the finished horn manure. After we stuffed fresh cow manure into cow horns last autumn, this was then to the
Bury spring in a suitable place in the ground. With the help of
Soil creatures and microorganisms, we were able to our
Form horn manure preparation P500 into balls to then use them for the approach in
to give our heated rainwater. This was then after a
according to the prescribed scheme, and then after 60 minutes it was applied to the soil of our vineyards using our preparation syringe